Sunday 22 November 2009

A Funny Thing happened At Work Today!

Working in a GP surgery can be funny. sad, busy, maddening but never boring!

A young boy arrived for his pre school booster. Our nurse got the needle ready and talking nicely to him said 'just a little prick' to which the boy laughed and replied 'thats what my dad says i've got!'.

An elderly gentleman patient attended a+e as he had swallowed his false teeth. The nurses at the hospital told him not to worry as nature would take it's course. The following day he arrived at the surgery to see the doctor as he was afraid the teeth might bite him in the bum!

The secretary from the memory clinic rang to say that one of our patients had missed three appointment so would not be sent for again unless the gp requested. We got in touch with her to find out why she had not attended. Her answer was 'I forgot'.

We have lots of patients with the same name as well known people and celebrities for example Michael Cain, Des O'Connor, Michael Jackson, Harold Wilson etc. We alsodhad a patient named George Cross who married a Victoria!
Laughed this morning when an a+e report came in for a young boy by the name of Billy Elliott. The problem title said he had twisted his ankle and further on where it explains what had happened it said 'whilst dancing'.

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