Friday, 27 November 2009


Last week I came out of a shop laden with shopping bags and saw my bus at the bus stop! Damn I thought if I miss it I will have to wait another 40 minutes.
So I started to run! Weighed down by the bags this was not easy. Why if you are in a rush do the people walking in front of you suddenly stop dead? Twice in the 100 yards I had to run this happened and I crashed into the people who gave me daggers because obviously it was my fault. Anyway apologising and edging round them I struggled on only to be ploughed into by an o.a.p doing 50 mph on the pavement in one of those mobility scooter things. OUCH!
By the time I picked myself and the bags up I was bright red in the face, sweating and feeling like I was having a heart attack (so unfit), but the bus was still there so I kept going.
Finally made it and I launched myself onto the bus before they had time to close the doors in my face and wheezing heavily asked the driver for a single ticket.
"Sorry luv I'm not going anywhere the bus has broken down and I am waiting for the tow truck".
Exit one red faced very embarrased me as I realised nobody else was on the bus and they were all in the bus queue watching me make a prat of myself. Bugger!!!
Note to self 'Get fit'.